The founders of Donovan Litigation Group, LLC have over twenty years of experience litigating consumer and investor issues against public and private corporations.  While Michael Donovan has argued before the Supreme Court of the United States, he has also appeared before countless state and federal courts throughout the United States. The crossed quill pens reflected in the banner of the website symbolize this feat, as only those lawyers who have argued before the Supreme Court are presented with quill pens as a memento of their appearance before the Court.
Because many consumer and investor claims are too small to pursue economically on an individual basis, Donovan Litigation Group typically has concentrated on class actions. The class action procedure enables claimants to vindicate legitimate claims economically and efficiently as representatives of similarly situated consumers and investors. In most instances, Donovan Litigation Group represents consumers and investors on a contingent fee basis, meaning that the Donovan Litigation Group lawyers are not paid unless and until a successful result has been achieved for their client. As a result, the firm is highly selective in the cases it pursues.